- Footnote 3
The American Hospital Formulary Service permits an easy review of information on a group of drugs with similar activities and uses and allows the reader to determine quickly the similarities and differences among drugs within a group. AHFS® Pharmacologic/Therapeutic Classification© used with permission. © 2022, the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, Inc. (ASHP). The Data is a part of the AHFS Drug Information®; ASHP is not responsible for the accuracy of transpositions from the original context.
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- Footnote 4
The purpose of the World Health Organization (WHO) Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) classification system is to be used as a tool for drug utilization research in order to improve quality of drug use. Drugs are divided into different groups according to the organ or system on which they act and their chemical, pharmacological and therapeutical properties.
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- Footnote 5
The AIG number is a 10 digit number that identifies products that have the same active ingredient(s) and ingredient strength(s). The AIG is comprised of three portions:
- the first portion (2 digits) identifies the number of active ingredients,
- the second portion (5 digits) identifies the unique groups of active ingredients(s),
- the last portion (3 digits) identifies the active ingredient group strength. The strength group has a tolerance of ‑2% to +10%.
Return to footnote 5referrer
- Footnote 6
The asterisk indicates that an AHFS code was created by Health Canada and is not found in the AHFS book.
Return to footnote 6referrer
- Footnote 8
An asterisk * preceding an active ingredient indicates that the name of the active ingredient has been shortened to fit inside the database's field and that the active ingredient's full name is available on the product's Product Monograph/Veterinary Labelling available above and/or in the NOTES section of the QRYM_ACTIVE_INGREDIENTS extract available in the Drug product database (DPD) data extracts. The following link provides an explanation of the ordering of the data values contained in the DPD data extracts Read me file.
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