Drug Product Database online query

From Health Canada

Due to the fact that the information originated with an organization that is not subject to the Official Languages Act, the document may only appear in the language in which it was written. Translations of the document are the responsibility of the sponsor involved.

Search criteria

You may search by either a) drug identification number (DIN), b) Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) code, or c) by company or one or more of the various other product characteristics listed. When typing inside fields, do not include punctuation marks such as hyphens, commas, colons, brackets and wildcard characters (%).
To select multiple criteria from a list, press the CTRL key (use the Command key on a Mac) and click on the criteria.

Search by drug identification number
Search by Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical
Search by other criteria
Version 4.0.3

"Page details"

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